COVID Tests for Business

COVID tests for business are an important way the economy can start to rebuild from the pandemic. If your business cannot all be done from home, if you have a production facility or specific tasks that must be completed in work premises, then read on. On February 8th, the Government announced the launch of bringing […]

As an employer what should I consider in employee risk assessments now?

Employee risk assessment

With the Covid-19 pandemic shutting down the world, the words ‘employee risk assessment’ mean something completely different from even 7-8 weeks ago. The world has changed in unfathomable ways and along with it previous guidelines, policies and protocols must adapt to this grave situation. With regards to employee risk assessments, whilst, previous policies and guidelines […]

Tips for managing employees who are self-isolating

Employee Self Isolating

The pandemic of Covid -19 has brought the world to its knees. The majority of us have never quite seen or been a part of a crisis on a scale like this. And its impact… well, we still don’t really know do we how we will be affected in the long run. Currently, it’s all […]

Covid -19 Stress Checker – Minimise employee stress in the workplace

Stress Checker

We are in the midst of an unimaginable situation. The world has been served a major shock to the system and lockdowns across the world are having an impact not only on our physical and economic well-being but on our mental well-being as well. Stress, anxiety and depression have increased, and their effects are being […]

Covid-19 Isolation Checker – A comprehensive employee management tool

As an employer, you are faced with a situation you could not have planned for. There is no certainty in anything really… whether it’s how long lockdown is going to last or the lasting impact of the pandemic on your business or organisation at a macro level or at a micro level, which of your […]